"The Deadly Missiles"
Airdate: March 3, 1976
Written by Wilton Denmark
Directed by Alan J. Levi
Synopsis: Jaime is sent to investigate an old friend suspected of developing a radar jamming device.
John and Liz are joined by our own Jerry Lange as they discuss the only crossover of the first season of the Bionic Woman, the idea of the Alex 7000 long before its premeire the next season, and a look at the Bionic Assignment legs.
Bionic Operative
Jerry Lange
"Big Brother"
Airdate: March 7, 1976
Written by Kenneth Johnson
Directed by Cliff Bole
Synopsis: Steve helps a street kid overcome his gambling addiction by becoming his Big Brother.
John and Jerry are joined by voice actor Julie Hoverson as they discuss the music in the episode, the Big Brother program, and the third season over as it comes to a conclusion
Bionic Operative
Julie HOverson
Airdate: Febraury 25, 1976
Written by Sue Milburn
Directed by Phil Bondelli
Synopsis: Jaime must prove that a mountain lion on an animal reserve is not responsible for the deaths of nearby cattle.
John and Liz are joined by voice actor Julie Hoverson as they discuss the better stunt animal, the sudden appearance of an uncle of Jaime's and Tippi Heddren.
Bionic Operative
Julie HOverson