"The Last Kamikaze"
Airdate: January 19, 1975
Written by Judy Burns
Directed by Dick Moder
Synopsis: Steve is sent to a remote island to recover an experimental nuclear device and is captured by a lone survivor of a kamikaze plane from World War II.
John and co-host, artist Jerry Lange, are joined by OSI Files webmaster Todd Wiedemann as they discuss the phenomenon of Japanese soldiers trapped on islands thinking WWII is ongoing, the move of the show to Sunday nights, and the merchandise that's available for fans.
Join us Sunday nights at 8:00EST as we discuss an episode of THE SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN and Wednesday nights at 8L00ES as we discuss an episode of THE BIONIC WOMAN with a fan as well as featuring live commentary from our viewers.
Bionic Operative
Todd Wiedemann